About CReLIC

Introduction: The Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) is establishing a Climate Resilient Local Infrastructure Centre (CReLIC) under its Climate Resilient Infrastructure Mainstreaming (CRIM) Project funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Government of Germany through the German Development Bank (KfW) and the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) to mainstream climate resilience in the design, planning, and implementation of local infrastructures.
During the project period, CReLIC will work as a distinctive entity within LGED financed from the CRIM Project. Subsequently, CReLIC will be institutionalized to ensure the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation and mitigation options in the infrastructure development activities of LGED and other organizations.
CReLIC will trigger a stepwise institutional learning process fully integrated into LGED structures and backed by pilot investment schemes under components 2 and 3 of the CRIM Project, i.e., climate-resilient infrastructure development in rural and urban areas, respectively. As a result, the CRIM Project aims to increase directly the adaptive capacity of more than 134,000 people to
climate change. Indirectly, 10.4 million people (6.8 percent of the total population of the country) will benefit from climate-resilient infrastructure planning and implementation in the long term.

Components of CRIMP

  1. Establishment of a Climate Resilient Local Infrastructure Centre (CReLIC)

2. Pilot Climate Resilient Rural Infrastructures

3. Pilot Climate Resilient Urban Infrastructures

The project was approved in March 2018 and initially had a duration of 6 years.

The project is extended up to June 2026. The IDC Contract is extended to December 2024.


CRIM Project budget is approximately USD 90 million and has grant contributions from:

1. Green Climate Fund (GCF), 40 MUSD

2. Government of Bangladesh (GoB), 30 MUSD

3. German Development Bank (KfW), 19 MEUR.

CRIM Project is the first project funded by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in Bangladesh.

Within the CRIMP budget, the CReLIC establishment budget is USD 13 million.


CReLIC evolves as a center of excellence and a hub of knowledge on climate resilience for local infrastructure at LGED and for Bangladesh.


Systematically support LGED for the integration of climate change adaptation into decision-making regarding local infrastructure planning, design, supervision, and maintenance.

Sub-components of IDC-CReLIC

Subcomponent 1: Knowledge Management

Develop a Knowledge Management System (KMS)

Develop a framework for external climate data and information acquisition

Develop cooperation and networking structures

Collect and process relevant required climate data and information

Capture relevant lessons learned, innovations, best practices

Systematic screening of external national and international research

Act as a helpdesk, etc.

KMS in SharePoint(https://creliclged.sharepoint.com/).

Subcomponent 2: Guidelines, Standards and Procedures

Develop a Climate Resilience Tool (CRT) and handbook

Conduct Rapid and Comprehensive Climate Impact Assessments (CIA) on various types of infrastructures

Conduct research and studies as necessary

Establish an inventory of existing guidelines, standards and procedures

Adjust selected guidelines, standards and procedures to incorporate climate change resilience

Review TPP and DPP with regard to climate impact assessments, etc.

Subcomponent 3: Communications, Consultation and Training

Develop a mainstreaming concept for LGED

Develop a shared knowledge base for common understanding

Develop a CReLIC website for external communication

Develop Gender Action Plan and Monitoring Framework

Conduct periodic training needs assessments

Develop and organize training and awareness campaigns

Organization of motivation and award events

Organization of study tours, etc.

Subcomponent 4: Development of permanent Institutional Structure

Conduct an institutional assessment of LGED

Provide recommendations on the institutional setup and structure of CReLIC

Develop a business plan for CReLIC

Develop an organizational development plan

Facilitate high-level government approval to institutionalize CReLIC.

CReLIC Services at a glance